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Change video standard


To specify the correct video standard to be used by the Picolo Alert PCIe card.


  1. Open Video settings the first time you select the Picolo Alert PCIe card.
  2. Select the correct video standard, depending on your cameras. It’s typically PAL for Europe and NTSC for the US. You need to do this four times, selecting all four channels from the Board drop-down box (channels are numbered #0-#3). Press Apply after setting the correct Video Standard for each channel.  image.png

You should see the preview after setting the Video Standard correctly. Failing this will result in a black preview. You can only modify this setting the first time before the preview is running, after that it will become disabled. To be able to modify it, simply deselect the camera from the video inputs, and then select it again, to make the setting editable once more.