Shown below are all the known pages in the system that link to this item.
Create audio settings
Aim To optimize the recording volume. Prerequisites You have Axis IP cameras that are supp...
Set camera IP address
Aim To set the IP address of the camera to the same range as the Ethernet card and the computer....
Camera setup
Aim To configure the cameras for use with MediaRecorder. Prerequisites You have Axis IP came...
The steps to install IP cameras
Prerequisites The network allows data transfer of at least 1 Gb per second. We recommend to u...
The steps to install GigE cameras
Prerequisites The network allows data transfer of at least 1 Gb per second. We recommend to u...
Install MediaRecorder
IMPORTANT - If you have an older version of MediaRecorder - Uninstall MediaRecorder 6.0 and older...
Video file options
Aim To specify one of the following: Format of the recording timer. See Timer format Maximum...
Connect IP cameras to the PC
Prerequisite You have followed the entire procedure in Ethernet card setup Procedure The proce...
Set camera password and select power line frequency
Aim To give the camera a password, which is compulsory, and to select the power line frequency o...
Create camera settings
Aim To configure the camera for optimal recording with MediaRecorder. Prerequisites You have...
Select ONVIF cameras in MediaRecorder
Aim To select a camera that supports ONVIF Profile S in MediaRecorder. If your device does not ...
The steps to install USB 3 cameras
Prerequisite You have USB 3 cameras that supported with MediaRecorder. SeeĀ Supported USB camera...
Configure the Basler USB 3 camera
Aim To adjust settings in the USB 3 camera, like the video frame rate, resolution, and exposure....